Hendrick Foundation Garden

The Hendrick Foundation Garden is a beautiful 5-acre green space located at the heart of the Hendrick Farm community. It includes agricultural components throughout, as well as spaces for community initiatives. 

There are a variety of coniferous and deciduous trees throughout the space including two distinct orchards that provide beautiful blooms in the spring and a variety of fruits throughout the warmer months. In the eastern section, a large raspberry patch can be found along the south edge of the space, while the southern garden area features a large swath of space dedicated to native wildflowers.

The Hendrick Foundation Garden is also home to several initiatives, including busy bee hives, a wonderful chicken coop, a large community garden project, a winter skating rink, and a monarch waystation.

The space will continue to be a dynamic one that will naturally shift and morph over time, as new projects are proposed and the interests of the community change/availability of volunteers go through natural changes and progressions.